

Frequently Ask Questions

Yes, you can. For instance, search for Karachi by typing KHI.

Simply because booking Outbound and Return flights separately (one way flights) works out to be a lot more expensive than a return fare. Therefore we do not offer this option for international flights at all.

Just like for domestic flights, you can book Economy Class and Business Class for International flights too. A number of carriers also have First Class on some routes, which is a higher level than Business Class.

A direct flight is a point to point (city to city) flight that is either non-stop or has one or more intermediate stops, but with no change of aircraft. Changing aircrafts and terminals increases the duration of your journey. Direct non-stop flights are generally the shortest in duration followed by direct flights with stops.

An indirect flight is one where stopovers via intermediate cities are involved. Indirect flights involve change of aircraft and often a change of terminal. It is not permitted to break your journey in a transit city.

A stopover is a stop you make at one or more cities during your trip, which involves a change of aircraft. Generally, the duration of a stopover is longer than 48 hours. For instance, you might want to stopover for a few days in Dubai, on your way to London.

Codeshare describes tickets sold by an airline for a flight operated by a partner airline. This is an arrangement between two or more airlines to use each other aircraft. For instance, Continental flights from Pakistan to New York are operated by Virgin Atlantic. Need more information? Domestic flights: You can either log in to UOTrips account and change flight reservation on your own or you can call us 24x7.

A transit airport is one where you land for a break in your journey. You may or may not change aircrafts at the transit airport but you will definitely not be able to leave the airport when you are in transit. Your itinerary will give you the details about the duration of transit time.

In most cases, you will need to change terminals to board your connecting flight. Often the terminals are at quite some distance from each other and you need to set aside some extra time to walk from one to another. Do make it a point to enquire about your terminal as soon as you arrive, since gate numbers and terminals can change at the last moment.

If you are concerned that you may not have enough time between your flights, please. They tell you the duration of your transit and how long it will take you to go from one terminal to another. Don’t sweat, they will make sure that you feel comfortable with your connection.

Yes, you can book tickets for infants and Children on UOTrips. However, we do not yet book tickets for unaccompanied minors. When booking international flights for infants, please keep these points in mind:

  • Every passenger requires a valid passport.
  • Infants and children must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years old.
  • You can book no more than one infant (under 2 years) per adult. But one adult can fly with a child and an infant.
  • The infant must be under 24 months of age while travelling the outbound sector to qualify for an infant fare.

As a child under 2 years of age does not legally require a seat to fly, it’s really up to you to decide whether the infant should have a seat or no. Which is the reason why the cost of a ticket for an infant is different from the cost of a ticket for a child who is more than 2 years old (children over the age of 2, however, must have their own seat). To book a seat for an infant, please select a child at the time of search and the cost will be provided.